Blessed Assurance

I am only starting to realize the treasure of Faith. Of course, the bible is filled with stories, promises and truths regarding faith. But like anything else written in the book of truth, it is powerless knowledge unless you absorb it into your spirit – until it becomes truth that transforms you!
Let’s take a deeper look today at one side of faith; the assurance of salvation:
The bible states in Acts 16:30-31, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” – this bible promise is pretty straight forward. And the truth of this promise literally has the power to transform our very character! When you and I came to Christ, knowing that we were incapable of being truly good apart from Jesus; When we cried out to Jesus for forgiveness and asked him to take over, he deposited his spirit into us and sealed us with THIS promise! Once that had fully sunk into my being, I was bursting open with thankfulness and Joy; Which, by the way, is another transformational promise- “How joyful is the man the Lord will NEVER charge with sin”, Psalm 32:2 and Romans 4:8.
Perhaps this is transformational for me because I was such a wretched sinner before Christ. And although I had no understanding of what was happening and what it meant to have Holy Spirit – IN ME, I sure saw some unexplainable transformations take place that was not of my own doing.
It wasn’t until I found religion, and started listening to “godly men”, that I have ever doubted what took place that day. The world of religion is always debating what must we do to be saved –are their magic words? Is it Jesus plus something else? Can we walk away and lose our salvation? Are you sure what you did stuck? Blah, blah, blah.
Listen, this is something you and I need to firmly plant under our feet as the foundation of our faith. Do you believe that the word is true? If so, mull the promise above over until it sinks deeply into your spirit! After all; God is not a man that he should lie (Numbers 23:19)
And the next time someone pulls up a chair and wants to debate the assurance of the salvation of the world with you – saying, “Do you believe someone can lose their salvation?”. I would just encourage you to protect your foundation and say with confidence, “I can’t speak for other people, but I most certainly cannot!”.
My friends – Have you heard the voice of God in you? A prompting, a whisper? Have you walked into the weeds of sin and heard Holy Spirit say to you quietly, “no more, this is not who you are.” . . . If the promises above do not convince you, that still small voice that you cannot possess without Jesus’ seal upon your spirit should be MORE than enough evidence.
Stand firm today knowing who’s you are! Walk into this day with Jesus IN YOU as a Christ follower with a yes on your lips that He might use you for His good. What Joy!