Faith to Walk In Our Purpose

…For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it. Habakkuk 1:5, NLT I Just love this verse in Habakkuk. The Lord spoke it to me just over 7 years ago and I will never be able to look at it without remembering the pit […]
Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me Luke 6:46 Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I say? Have you ever had a conversation with another person that was present, but not present? You know, someone standing right in front of you, but not listening at all to what you were saying? Of course, […]
Striving For New Life

My heart beats for Discipleship. I mean, I just love it!. . . One main reason for this is because after many years of seeking a true encounter with our creator, God has given me eyes to see Him and it is infinitely more amazing than anything this world has to offer. I also know […]
Blessed Assurance

I am only starting to realize the treasure of Faith. Of course, the bible is filled with stories, promises and truths regarding faith. But like anything else written in the book of truth, it is powerless knowledge unless you absorb it into your spirit – until it becomes truth that transforms you! Let’s take a […]
The Wisdom of A Sponge

The Wisdom of a Spong Hello, friends. I think my name is Scott and I am a kitchen sponge. A lot of my days are spent all dried up and in the back of a counter or a bucket in the dark. Fairly insignificant and destined for death someday. It is really easy for me […]
Talking with God… Prayer 2.0

Talking with God..Prayer 2. What comes to mind, if I were to ask you to explain to me what prayer looks like? . . . Seems simple enough, right? For instance, many references about prayer in our church, in discussion and even in the bible point to a way to speak to God. We learn […]
You Were Made For More

You Were Made For Mor “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14). A critical ingredient to living a life of deeply rooted purpose and Joy is your ability to be led by the spirit. It is, without a doubt, the single most important practice […]
Be Joyful Always

Be Joyful Always. … I sing for joy because of what you have done. Psalm 92:4 You know, the Lord has indeed lavished upon his children absolutely everything we need and more to be Joyful. Even in a fallen world, full of all kinds of evil, God’s goodness causes us to rise above our circumstances […]
Make It Personal

By Allen Rothering As I was praying this morning for the people of Texas and the massive flooding that is going on, I got caught up in the emotional pain of it all. I began thinking about what It would be like to be a dad with a family trapped in his own home. Of […]
The Wilderness Test: Unveiling Deeper Truths

Greetings, fellow believers! Today, we embark on a journey through the wilderness of Numbers chapters 11 to 14, guided by the illuminating light of the Messiah. This passage, beyond its historical context, unveils profound spiritual truths that resonate deeply with our hearts as we navigate our own wilderness experiences. Complaints and Consequences: A Call for […]