Striving For New Life

My heart beats for Discipleship. I mean, I just love it!. . .
One main reason for this is because after many years of seeking a true encounter with our creator, God has given me eyes to see Him and it is infinitely more amazing than anything this world has to offer. I also know this gift from God is not because I am special; but it is because He yearns to reveal himself to his created. It is how it is supposed to be.
However, the truth is, there is a lot of time lost in my life, that I just get wrapped up in really insignificant things that keep me from walking and talking with my creator. It is a crazy cycle of remembering and forgetting who’s I am.
What is sorrowful to me, is that the majority of people; even bible believing folks, never once have a walking, talking encounter with God. . . . It seems like there is just too many distractions, responsibilities and the enemy does a really good job of keeping us all very busy. This is not to condemn anyone – it is super tough to lose all distractions and have laser focus on pursuing God. I hate to admit it, but for me, it took a very traumatic event in my life (the death of my first wife), to remove my own will, clear all distractions and cling to God like a life-boat. But He did indeed show up once I was completely emptied of myself and His spirit has been active ever since. . . . I still fight regularly to shed my own agenda. My will can be a strong distraction and surrender and abiding is the only way to quench the noise so we can hear His voice.
I find it so very hard to maintain a job, a family, a project or even a to-do list AND walk in awareness and obedience to His Spirit. Trying to live within the “rules” of the world and pull God into my day, just does not work for me. That is why, I have to flip my thinking upside down. And I realize that it is just “perspective” that changes, but it works much better for me. But it is risky, because you have to agree with God ahead of time that He is in charge.
Most mornings, I first surrender my life; my body soul and spirit – My mind, will and emotion TO God. I go back to the cross of Salvation and “remind” me and Jesus that I was bought with his blood; a very costly price for such a broken mess. Therefore, I am now His. I give up my right to go my own way and I visualize offering myself up to God on the alter. I visualize giving myself to His spirit that is in me, Holy Spirit, and He breathes fresh life into me. I am now a new creature; the old has gone and the new has come. I watch as though almost from the sideline, I rise and walk into this day – His day.
I may go to work, for instance. But I know that IF God should speak into this vessel something else, I must abandon the work and abide in his voice (I hope my boss is not reading this). In all that is done, I strive to recognize that the task set before me is from God and He is the master of the movement and each decision within it. I am not saying I wait for His instruction for each movement. But I do what is required with my ears tuned to His voice, always striving to be immediately obedient to His voice.
This process above is not perfect. Many times, even throughout the same day, I find myself slipping back into my own will and having to return to the cross to get back to an abiding mindset. But I share it because I do think there is value in each of us figuring out how to get ourselves to a presence minded and abiding attitude. Because it is in this “place” that God meets us. So consider what you might do, and pray about how you might start your day off right; include checks and balances to stay in a presence minded, abiding surrender to God. And let us know what YOU do, as it will likely help someone else to encounter our Creator.