- By Al Rothering
You Were Made For Mor
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14).
A critical ingredient to living a life of deeply rooted purpose and Joy is your ability to be led by the spirit. It is, without a doubt, the single most important practice of every believer since the person of Jesus has left this planet. Because just before He left us, He promised to give us His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to all who believed. That means that if you are a believer, the Spirit of God is inside of you and available in every moment of every day to you. Christians are never alone . The heart of God – His character, nature and power are in you and to the degree that you are able to abide in Him – to basically give God permission to do His work in and through you. . . . RADICAL transformation will begin!
Holy Spirit will begin to reveal himself to you. You will begin to recognize both his voice and his ear, listening to you. It will birth a life of relationship, communing fellowship with God. And he will deposit a steadfast peace – Assurance of who you are. He will deposit Joy unspeakable and unchangeable by circumstances. He will deposit LOVE – a true compassion and desire to be his hands and feet to the people around you. He will make your heart soft, but strong. He will guide your steps and whisper to your heart. He will lavish upon you his blessings with each yes, that you give him. He will call you out from the ordinary and into a life of radical and fulfilling faithfulness. He will teach you that his ways are upside down; quite different from the world and as he thrives in you because of your “letting” him (this is the surrender and obedience that the world tries to mask as bondage instead of the truth that it brings freedom and great joy), your abiding in him will bring perpetually blessing, revelation, purpose and a satisfaction of a heavenly kind that surpasses understanding.
. . . even for us “abiders”, there will be earthly trials – this is an upside down prosperity gospel – because despite the pain, the loss or the pressure the world can bring our way, at our core where we live with Christ, none of these things above can be diminished as long as we are connected to His Spirit – our worldly trials are greatly dwarfed by our spiritual prosperity.
. . . my friends, if you have doubt, sorrow, pain, feel empty or without purpose – whatever is broken within you . . . these things will all melt away if you put your faith in Jesus and begin to speak to and listen for Holy Spirit. If you don’t know this life of walking with the Spirt, I encourage you to start today by looking for Him. Talk to him and listen and you will begin to see a world filled with great Joy!